The Site
The site is located at the corner of Newgatestreet Road and Hammondstreet Road, with these roads separating it from the larger green spaces to the north and west.
It is surrounded by thick vegetation, which acts as a visual barrier between the area and nearby housing along Hammondstreet Road and the homes on Newgatestreet Road. However, the green space within the site itself is mostly low-value, well-maintained grassland.
The nearby housing around the site has a suburban feel, spread out around a village green. To the north, south, and west, the area is surrounded by green spaces used for farming, industry, and recreation, including woods, parks, nature reserves, and golf courses.
The position of the development offers an opportunity to connect many of these rural pedestrian routes.
Create walking trails to nearby green spaces, like Broxbourne Woods and Bencroft Wood Nature Reserve
Create a pedestrian link to the existing play area southeast of the site
The dense planting to the north and west of the site serves as an effective buffer, offering both visual and acoustic separation from nearby traffic
Make the most of the planted buffer along the north and west edges by creating additional habitable green space that also boosts biodiversity
Take advantage of the sloping land to provide new homes with a south-facing aspect.